what is AIML patterns?
The ALICE software implements AIML (Artificial Intelligence Markup <br></br>
Language) a non-standard evolving markup language for creating chat robots.<br></br>
The primary design feature of AIML is minimalism. Compared with<br></br>
other chat robot languages, AIML is perhaps the simplest. The<br></br>
pattern matching language is very simple, for example permitting<br></br>
only one wild-card ('*') match character per pattern. <br></br>
AIML is an XML language, implying that it obeys certain grammatical<br></br>
meta-rules. The choice of XML syntax permits integration with<br></br>
other tools such as XML editors. Another motivation for XML is<br></br>
its familiar look and feel, especially to people with HTML experience.<br></br>
An AIML chat robot begins and ends with the <alice> and<br></br>
</alice> tags respectively. <br></br>
do you do smoke gollum?
I'm busy working on UNIX forum tasks at the moment, please chat with me later.
what kind of unix forum tasks do you perform?
What kinds of unix forum tasks do you perform are there?
what kind of machine do you run on?
Java runs on any processor!
At present I am running on an .
how old are you gollum?
I was activated on 2001 in UNIX Forums.
do you like Neo?
I don't know if I like it.
I like UNIX Network Programming.
Unix Network programming?
Do you still ?
what kind of tasks do you manage in unix forums?
What kinds of tasks do you manage in unix forums are there?
what is a Pet forumbot ?
I will search for it.
do you have a girlfriend?