unix ftp error msg help

we have two alpha stations which are connected on two sides on the same wan (64k leased line), here is one problem described as follow.

when i do a ftp to copy a file form one to another, an error mesg shown and the file lenth is 0 at last.

diamond> ftp
Connected to
220 opal FTP server (Digital UNIX Version 5.60) ready.
Name ( XXXX
331 Password required for XXXX
230 User fmxiao logged in.
Remote system type is UNIX.
Using binary mode to transfer files.
ftp> put smdb-AAAaavoqa
200 PORT command successful.
150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for smdb-AAAaavoqa (,2026).
426 Data connection: Connection reset by peer.
10027 bytes sent in 0.034 seconds (2.9e+02 Kbytes/s)

ftp> ls -al
200 PORT command successful.
150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for /bin/ls (,2029).
total 32
drwxr-x--x 3 roy staff 8192 Oct 30 09:26 .
drwxr-xr-x 11 root staff 8192 Aug 1 2001 ..
-rw------- 1 roy staff 4 Feb 12 2002 .Xauthority
-rwxr-xr-x 1 roy staff 1500 Jun 19 2001 .cshrc
-rwxr-xr-x 1 roy staff 1689 Jun 19 2001 .login
-rwxr-xr-x 1 roy staff 1621 Jun 19 2001 .profile
-rw------- 1 roy staff 65 Feb 12 2002 .xsession-errors
-rw-r--r-- 1 roy staff 0 Oct 28 15:50 1.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 roy staff 0 Oct 28 15:43 NIST-SRV.LST
drwxr-xr-x 2 roy staff 8192 Dec 30 1997 bin
-rw-r--r-- 1 roy staff 0 Oct 31 09:39 smdb-AAAaavoqa
226 Transfer complete.

Who can help me...........

thx a lot

I would try a traceroute to the remote host and see if a firewall is between your system and the remote system. If so, you need to talk to firewall admin about this. Some ftp clients support passive mode transfers. Recent version of HP-UX have such a client. You simply type the "passive" command before the "get". (Solaris does not have this feature. I'm not sure about other systems.) Passive transfers are much more firewall friendly. If you have the ability to try a passive transfer, do so. As a last resort, you will need to use a sniffer at various points in the path to see who is sending that reset packet.