Uninstalling Vendor Software

Hi admins,

thanks for community
i have installed a software ( it's a specific soft from a specific vendor : i mean it is not a SUN product ). the install was trough a .tar.gz file and with an "install" executable ( so the command was simply #./install )
my pain now is how to uninstall it from solaris ( i dont find no "uninstall" script or binary in the install directory ).

please help

Best regards all

Please send us at leased the install script (If it is a shell script)
Thanks jeorg

it's a binary not a script!!!!!!!!!!

help please if theire is still help

Is there a make file ?
If yes send the content.
Best regards jerog

If it's a binary install application, you might be better off contacting the vendor and asking for the directory list of all the pieces and parts of the software specific to their product.

aie aie
it seems that theire is no solution for this!...if it is vendor specific than admis say you simply contact the vendor.

is theire any way to locate where does all the files or any package are located and then simply remove them.

b r

Look through the tar file and use 'find' to see where they were installed.

If the install program is a binary and not a script you don't have much chance seeing what it was doing unless you run it through a syscall tracer.

Well a simple solution if you have a test machine would be to take a filesystem list of the machine, install the software on that a see what gets added.

thank you guys
you are so helpful

can you please give me example of tracing an install binary program to see where it installs it's files on the file system?

truss -t write <install command>
This shows you all write action of the install process.
Only as root user!
But it is hard to go this way because of the amount of outputs on the screen!!
Best regards