Unable to run xclock

Thank you !!! connects a serial terminal to a serial port on the server... Can I do it with putty and all other settings too ? I do not see serial and bps etc info anywhere on putty.

The original note suggested Hyperterminal which you get with Windows, Start->Accessories->Communications or similar.

But this also assumes that Your server accepts incoming connections on the serial port. And physical access of course. But in that case, couldn't You just plug in a keyboard and a display?

I am trying to connect to solaris box from console. The console is accessible remotely via hypertrm. Also, I see in /etc/ directory files like ssh_config and sshd_config , But I am not able to read those files. Do I need to start sshd, How? What is the other way to connect to the linked unix box from console?

Thank you

So you are logged in some how, how exactly?

Yes, I am able to connect to console remotely by typing the IP address in 'Remote Desktop Connection' and then I run 'hypertrm' , which allows to connect to Solaris console. There was one Solaris box, which is linked to this console - and I wish to connect to that from console. I am not able to do that either using ssh or telnet. It gives error 'Connection timed out:'

Any help is appreciated.

I am having similar problems.Uisng putty on winXP to connect remotely
(/usr/openwin/bin)--> ./xclock
Error: Can't open display:
(/usr/openwin/bin)--> ./xdpyinfo
./xdpyinfo: unable to open display "".
(/usr/openwin/bin)--> ./xdpyinfo
./xdpyinfo: unable to open display "".
(/usr/openwin/bin)--> echo $DISPLAY
(/usr/openwin/bin)--> DISPLAY=localhost:0.0
(/usr/openwin/bin)--> export DISPLAY
(/usr/openwin/bin)--> ./xdpyinfo
./xdpyinfo: unable to open display "localhost:0.0".
(/usr/openwin/bin)--> ./xclock
Error: Can't open display: localhost:0.0
(/usr/openwin/bin)--> ./xdpyinfo -display localhost:10.0
./xdpyinfo: unable to open display "localhost:10.0".
(/usr/openwin/bin)--> export DISPLAY=localhost:10.0
(/usr/openwin/bin)--> ./xdpyinfo -display localhost:10.0
./xdpyinfo: unable to open display "localhost:10.0".

any help pls ..?

The answer is likely already there: