Unable to mount/find new drives

Hi, I work offshore and we have a system that records excessive amounts of data (Terabytes), therefore we changed the 16 x 400GB drives to 16 x 1TB drives. However, since doing this, upon bootup, the system does not recognize the new drives. These drives are external drives in a chassis which is connected to the computer via SCSI lead. See quote below email to IT assistant:

Any help would be appreciated,
Kind regards

google for rescan-scsi-bus.sh

run this script, then run lvmdiskscan
you should see your new drives

Otherwise, the cable is not attached/terminated properly

Thanks for your reply, however what I've been told, is that we can see the drives but on intial boot up reporting, it sees the SCSI and two RAID arrays connected and the first two TB slices of each array. However, we had not unmounted the old array before creating the new one. Now on boot up, the servers operating system crashes when trying to mount the new device. We can not get into a command prompt to edit the boot config file.

Any ideas?

When you get the maintenance notification, are you able to log in with the root password?

Upon boot up this is what they get:

When enter is pressed, a message similiar to the following appears:

if Y is entered it goes to:

if Y is entered it goes to repair filesystem 3 # and just keeps incrementing.

If N is entered it does the same thing.

What are you suppose to enter at this stage?
Kind regards

at the prompt when you boot to choose your kernel type "linux 1" and then you should be in single user mode.

Then, edit the /etc/fstab and remove the entries for the other array. You may also need to run a vgscan and do any lvremoves and vgremoves that you need to do.