unable to load console info in SUNMC 4.0

hi all,

unable to load console info in SUNMC 4.0
in alarm it is giving error info i.e..Agent on host (.....),1161 port not responding.

plz try to solve the problem


Did you try rebooting? or well, edit domain-config.x and change Hostname to IP for the server and do likewise if the Agent field had a hostname .
Then reseed using the agent command again and restarted.


So SunMC responds to SNMP requests . In your case (and kinda standard) here on port 1161.

Your message is "agent not responding"....You need to go and start the agent...

i.e. on target host:

#stop agent:
     /opt/SUNWsymon/sbin/es-stop -a

#make sure agent is stopped:
     ps -ef | grep "esd -" | grep -v grep

#start agent 
     /opt/SUNWsymon/sbin/es-start -a

#wait 5 mins or so and test response
/opt/SUNWsymon/util/bin/snmpget -h [Device Name] -p 1161 -c [community string] -q

should return "<device hostname>"

And then as traffic back - you should be able to launch console gui


thanks for u r replay
but here it is giving REQUEST TIME OUT
plz find the solution for it


Check your DNS settings

DNS is ok it is working fine