Unable to connect using ftp

I am having issues when trying to connect using ftp, I am having the following error:

User ( moz
331 Password required for moza.
530 Login incorrect.
Login failed.
ftp> by
221 Goodbye.

I have created a user like this:

useradd -g 10 -d /lam/moza -m -s /bin/bash moza
passwd moza
ftpconfig -d /lam/moza
in.ftpd -a

I did make sure that the username was in /etc/ftpd/ftpaccess file

But I am still having that error

The network connection itself seems to work and "moz" (instead of "moza") is, i suppose, a just a typo.

A possible reason is how the system is configured to authorize user accounts: in case you have, say, LDAP users primarily it might well be that the password ftp asks for is for a (hypothetical) LDAP-user "moza" instead of the local user "moza". The same might be the case for NIS (instead of LDAP), a native kerberos-domain, and similar systems.

I hope this helps.


Connected to
220 nikira-app1 FTP server ready.
User ( moza
331 Password required for moza.
530 Login incorrect.
Login failed.
ftp> by
221 Goodbye.

I did use now the correct username, but no luck

You need to also check the sense of the file /etc/ftpd/ftpaccess. In the config file for your FTP server, there will be several lines to describe it and it can be either an "only allow in this list" or an "exclude this list" so you will have to read what it says carefully. It can be very confusingly written.

What is the FTP server you are using? I could guess vsftpd for a Linux server, but that is not certain to be on Solaris. There is probably a pkginfo command that will list out all packages. Pipe this through grep for the string ftpd and see what you get.



I may ave missed out something, please help:

bash-3.00# pkginfo | grep ftp
system      SUNWftpr                         FTP Server, (Root)
system      SUNWftpu                         FTP Server, (Usr)
system      SUNWtftp                         Trivial File Transfer Server
system      SUNWtftpr                        Trivial File Transfer Server (Root)

and on the /etc/ftpd/ftpaccess file, did not see:

 cat /etc/ftpd/ftpaccess
# ident "@(#)ftpaccess  1.2     03/05/14 SMI"
# FTP server configuration file, see ftpaccess(4).

class           realusers       real            *
class           guestusers      guest           *
class           anonusers       anonymous       *

loginfails      3
passwd-check    trivial         warn
private         no
shutdown        /etc/ftpd/shutdown.msg
# email         user@hostname
# guestuser     username
 guestuser      moza
# rhostlookup   no

keepalive       yes
recvbuf         65536           real,guest,anonymous
sendbuf         65536           real,guest,anonymous
# flush-wait    no              anonymous
# passive       ports        32768   65535
# timeout       data            600
# timeout       idle            300

banner          /etc/ftpd/banner.msg
greeting        brief
message         /etc/ftpd/welcome.msg   login
message         .message                cwd=*
readme          README*                 login
readme          README*                 cwd=*
# quota-info    *

chmod           no              anonymous
delete          no              anonymous
overwrite       no              anonymous
rename          no              anonymous
umask           no              anonymous

compress        yes             realusers guestusers anonusers
tar             yes             realusers guestusers anonusers

path-filter     guest,anonymous /etc/ftpd/filename.msg  ^[[:alnum:]._-]*$ ^[.-]

noretrieve      relative        class=anonusers         /
allow-retrieve  relative        class=anonusers         /pub

upload          class=anonusers    *    *         no  nodirs
# upload        class=anonusers    *    /incoming yes ftpadm ftpadm 0440 nodirs

# log           commands        real,guest,anonymous
# log           security        real,guest,anonymous
# log           transfers       real,guest,anonymous    inbound,outbound
# xferlog       format  %T %Xt %R %Xn %XP %Xy %Xf %Xd %Xm %U ftp %Xa %u %Xc %Xs %Xr

# limit-time    anonymous       30
# limit         anonusers       10      Wk0730-1800       /etc/ftpd/toomany.msg
# limit         anonusers       50      SaSu|Any1800-0730 /etc/ftpd/toomany.msg

According to your posted session transscript i think that the ftp server is up ad running and the entry in /etc/ftpd/ftpaccess is OK as well. Otherwise you shouldn't ge as far as you came.

I still think you may have a different authorisation scheme (kerberos, NIS, LDAP, ....) in place and you are not asked for a local users password but a, say, LDAP-users password, which might be quite different from what you gave to the local user.

I am no specialist in Solaris, but with this hint you should be able to investigate if this might be the case or not.

I hope this helps.


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the fact that I am trying to create this ftp user on a non-global zone, does not make an issue?

Maybe you can work along to the documentation:
Administering the FTP Server (Task Map) - System Administration Guide: Network Services

I think I solved the problem:
on /etc/passwd I have changed the shell of the user from bash to /bin/false
them I changed the group of the ftp user, them change the permissions of the landing directory

Perhaps. Why didn't you tell us this little detail when you told us "i created a user like this" in post #1? Obviously you did not "like this" but "like this and then a lot more".

If you want an anonymous yet secure ftp-service (what you did looks like this is what you are after) you might want to set up the ftpd (ftp server daemon) in a "chroot"ed environment. See man chroot for the details on this. This way you don't need a special user at all and you can still isolate the service from the rest of the system.

I hope this helps.


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perhaps I was misled by what this blogger: Solaris_blog: FTP user with restriction to home directory(CHROOT USER) when he says

These are different points: a "local zone" in Solaris is already a (sort-of) chroot -environment and you cannot chrootin a chroot-env. Therefore you need to do this from the global zone (=parent environment) instead.

I hope this helps.
