Tuning HPL.dat for Beowulf Cluster [Linpack]

Hi guys,
I am having some issues tuning the HPL.dat file for the Linpack benchmark test across 2 nodes. I am very new to this with minimal Linux experience, however i am trying my luck.
The specs for the two nodes are:
I have been typing these specs into this website:
Advanced Clustering | How do I tune my HPL.dat file? | FAQ
which apparently generates a HPL.dat for me, based on those specs. However, when i try and run the test i receive this error:
HPL ERROR from process # 0, on line 419 of function HPL_pdinfo:
>>> Need at least 8 processes for these tests <<<
HPL ERROR from process # 0, on line 621 of function HPL_pdinfo:
>>> Illegal input in file HPL.dat. Exiting ... <
The values i am entering into the HPL.dat generator are:
Nodes: 2
Cores per node: 4 (since each computer is quad core)
Memory per node: 4096
Block size: 128
I have also tried changing the cores per node value from 1 through 4 but still yields error.
I would appreciate it if anyone would be able to help me with this.
Thought i would also paste the HPL.dat file here:

HPLinpack benchmark input file
Innovative Computing Laboratory, University of Tennessee
HPL.out output file name (if any)
8 device out (6=stdout,7=stderr,file)
1 # of problems sizes (N)
29184 Ns
1 # of NBs
128 NBs
0 PMAP process mapping (0=Row-,1=Column-major)
1 # of process grids (P x Q)
2 Ps
4 Qs
16.0 threshold
1 # of panel fact
2 PFACTs (0=left, 1=Crout, 2=Right)
1 # of recursive stopping criterium
4 NBMINs (>= 1)
1 # of panels in recursion
1 # of recursive panel fact.
1 RFACTs (0=left, 1=Crout, 2=Right)
1 # of broadcast
1 BCASTs (0=1rg,1=1rM,2=2rg,3=2rM,4=Lng,5=LnM)
1 # of lookahead depth
1 DEPTHs (>=0)
2 SWAP (0=bin-exch,1=long,2=mix)
64 swapping threshold
0 L1 in (0=transposed,1=no-transposed) form
0 U in (0=transposed,1=no-transposed) form
1 Equilibration (0=no,1=yes)
8 memory alignment in double (> 0)
##### This line (no. 32) is ignored (it serves as a separator). ######
0 Number of additional problem sizes for PTRANS
1200 10000 30000 values of N
0 number of additional blocking sizes for PTRANS
40 9 8 13 13 20 16 32 64 values of NB


This post was a dup post of Benchmarking a Beowulf Cluster