TSM Monitor 0.7.2 (Default branch)

TSM monitor is a Web application written in PHP to help TSM administrators quickly get reports and health status information from their TSM servers. It generates its content dynamically so one can easily add or modify queries to adapt the application to one's own needs. It features customizable queries, a dynamically generated navigation menu, an overview page with traffic light logic, graphical timetable charts for queries with start and end time (like backups and schedules), multiple servers, login protection (authentication against a default TSM server), and result caching for better performance. License: GNU General Public License v3 Changes:
Configuration files are written in XML. The navigation menu can easily be customized. User authentication against a TSM server to control access to the TSM monitor. Queries and their results can be cached to improve performance. Queries can be edited online in your browser. Changes are not yet persistent, but it comes in handy while implementing new queries.
