Transposing text using AWK

Well I thought that this would be a fairly straight forward operation but perhaps I'm complicating it more in my mind. I have a simple data.txt file containing candidate information in the following format:

"13/06/1954"	"Casado(a)"
"Brasileira (naturalizada)"	"CRUZEIRO DO SUL / AC"
"Superior completo"	"Deputado"
"Partido do Movimento Democr�tico Brasileiro -

Wanting to transpose each candidate into a *single* row looking like:

"ANTONIA ROJAS SALES"	"Feminino"	"13/06/1954"	"Casado(a)" Brasileira (naturalizada)"	"CRUZEIRO DO SUL / AC"     "Superior completo"	"Deputado"   "Partido do Movimento Democr�tico Brasileiro

Current code looks like this:

awk '{printf "%-15s ", $1}!(NR % 5){printf "\n"}' done.txt

however this only returns the first field, when I want the entire string:

"ANTONIA        "13/06/1954"    "Brasileira     "Superior       "Partido

Any ideas? Thanks!

Good afternoon (boa tarde), I have a question:
How many fields each "candidate" has?

awk '{printf "%-15s ", $0}!(NR % 5){printf "\n"}' done.txt

So records are always 5 lines?

awk '{ printf("%s\t", $0); if((NR%5)==0) printf("\n"); }' < data

Yes, records are always 5 lines.

Here is one possible solution:

sed 'N;N;N;N;s/\n/ /g' input_file

Good luck (boa sorte).

Actually, I am embarrassed to say this, but I think my console's width was throwing off what I thought the results were...since I've got thousands of records. I began dumping them into a log file and everything looks good. Thanks for all the help guy, much appreciated!