Transpose using awk

I have a requirement to transpose the below xml which is in a text file on unix:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>


<?xml version="1.0" ?><REQUEST><ID>XXX</ID><TIMESTAMP>20090720062610</TIMESTAMP><FLAG>Y</FLAG><TO_FLAG>Y</TO_FLAG></REQUEST>

the current awk command that i am using provides the output truncating all the spaces as below, the spaces in the tag

<?xml version="1.0" ?>

are removed:


the awk command i am using:

awk '$1=$1' RS='' OFS='' test_trans.txt > SEQS_TRANS_test.txt

Help appreciated , Thanks in Advance.

Edit your post and use CODE tags when displaying code, data or logs to enhance readability and to preserve formatting like indention etc.,ty.


awk '{printf $0} END {printf "\n"}' file

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Moderators, I will keep in mind not to post those again.

Thanks for the response rakeshawasti......

But there is a space at every new line.

like below:

[?xml version="1.0" ?][REQUEST] [ID>497[/ID] [TIMESTAMP]20090720062610[TIMESTAMP] [FLAG]Y[/FLAG] [TO_FLAG]Y[/TO_FLAG][/REQUEST]

can we eliminate those spaces as well.

Try this:

awk '1' ORS= file

If you want a newline at the end:

awk '{print} END{print "\n"}' ORS= file

Still struggling with it, i am posting a complete picture of what i am facing trouble with......

The XML available for me is in the below format:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<?xml version="1.0" ?>

I need that to be transposed into below:

<?xml version="1.0" ?><REQUEST><ID>874</ID><TIMESTAMP>20090720062610</TIMESTAMP><FLAG>Y</FLAG><TO_FLAG>Y</TO_FLAG></REQUEST>
<?xml version="1.0" ?><REQUEST><ID>000</ID><TIMESTAMP>20090720061218</TIMESTAMP><FLAG>Y</FLAG><TO_FLAG>Y</TO_FLAG></REQUEST>

As mentioned in the above every new XML starts with the tag

<?xml version="1.0" ?>

Also something to be noted is that the XML tag contains spaces which should stay.

<?xml version="1.0" ?>

Thanks in Advance.

nawk '
   BEGIN {
   {for(i=2;i<=NF;i++) gsub(" ", "", $i); print}' myFile


-bash-3.2$ cat test
<?xml version="1.0" ?>

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
-bash-3.2$ echo `cat test` | sed 's/> </></g'
<?xml version="1.0" ?><REQUEST><ID>874</ID><TIMESTAMP>20090720062610</TIMESTAMP><FLAG>Y</FLAG><TO_FLAG>Y</TO_FLAG></REQUEST><?xml version="1.0" ?><REQUEST><ID>000</ID><TIMESTAMP>20090720061218</TIMESTAMP><FLAG>Y</FLAG><TO_FLAG>Y</TO_FLAG></REQUEST>

ryandegreat....thanks for the code, but i need the every <xml version...> tag in new line.

Assuming the xml tag format will remain ( as described ) constant: <?xml + spaces + version="Nr-dot-Nr" + spaces + ?> , this might be enough:

awk '/^<\?xml( |\t)+version="[0-9]+\.[0-9]+"( |\t)+\?>$/ && NR>1{ printf RS $0; next}
      NF { sub(/^[ \t]+/,""); print } END{ print RS }'   ORS=   filename


<?xml version="1.0" ?><REQUEST><ID>874</ID><TIMESTAMP>20090720062610</TIMESTAMP><FLAG>Y</FLAG><TO_FLAG>Y</TO_FLAG></REQUEST>
<?xml version="1.0" ?><REQUEST><ID>000</ID><TIMESTAMP>20090720061218</TIMESTAMP><FLAG>Y</FLAG><TO_FLAG>Y</TO_FLAG></REQUEST>

Try this:

awk 'BEGIN{RS=ORS="\n\n"} $1=$1' file


try this from franklin

awk 'BEGIN{RS=ORS="\n\n"} $1=$1' test | grep . | sed 's/> </></g'


echo `cat test`| sed -e 's|</REQUEST> |&\n|g' -e 's|> <|><|g'
sed 's/^ *//' file.xml | tr -d '\x0A'