Transfer files from windows to solaris with winscp (file protocol:SFTP)


I have a couple of zip files to be copied from my local drive to a folder in solaris10 residing in a VM ware. i am using WINSCP, I tried to get hold of
the solaris hostname or ip using ifconfig -a , hostname|nslookup etc. when i create a new session in WINSCP using that IP and port no:22,using SFTP,
i am unable to connect to the Solaris. everytime it thows this error messgae "Network error:Connection refused". I have a Xp host system and Solaris as my guest OS in my vmware.

There'is any solution pls?

Please find in attachment thes result from : nestat -r

why copy/paste dont work between just solaris and other os? there's some problems with vmware tools?

Thank you

Can you ping Solaris machine from your Windows workstation?

if you can ping, is the sshd running on the solaris machine?

no i cant coz my ip in my windows workstation are provided form ISP!

Hi there!!

When you install a virtual machine on VMWare, it gives you option to select network type: Host-Only, Bridged, NAT. If not selected, it defaults to NAT. Change this to Host-Only. A new virtual interface will be created on your XP host and it should get an IP assigned (VMware runs DHCP by default) within the same subnet as your vm.

You should be able to do WinSCP and ping to the vm then. :b:

Thanks admin_xor

ill reinstall it and ill keep you informed

You don�t need reinstall it, only change the configuration on vmware or add a new interface and configure it. After that you could ping your server from your windows computer. You have do this to enable ftp in the solaris server:

Run the vi command to modify the /etc/ftpd/ftpusers file.
Add # to the left of root to comment out this line. The following message will be displayed:
# ident "@(#)ftpusers 1.5 04/02/20 SMI"
# List of users denied access to the FTP server, see ftpusers(4)
Press ESC. Press Shift+;. Enter wq!. Then, press Enter to forcibly save the file and exit.

If you want you can use gedit rather than vi, it will be more simple for you.
