Total number of files in a FS

Hello people,
On HP-UX B.11.11 U 9000/800
How can I have in aprox. the total number of files in a specific FS?

Is the number of used inodes a rough estimation of my total number of files?

Server1 /Data:df -i .
/Data (/dev/vg_Data/lvol1 ) : 18292960 total i-nodes
15800945 free i-nodes
2492015 used i-nodes
13 % i-nodes used

If not please suggest alternatives.

Thank you in advance.

By files you mean you want only regular files?

ant:/home $ df -i .                    
/home                  (/dev/vg00/lvol5       ) :    34112 total i-nodes
                                                     23857 free i-nodes
                                                     10255 used i-nodes
                                                        30 % i-nodes used
ant:/home $ du -a|wc -l                
ant:/home $ find . -type f -print|wc -l

Last case is only a count of regular files..

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Regular files I need.

So my find command is what you need... look at my comparison above...

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