top 10 users

is it possible from shell utility that we can track top 10 ipaddress from squid access.log who visit

cat /var1/log/squid/access.log | grep "" | grep "facebook" | wc -l

above will find only one

You should rename yourself into learncodetags if you want to stay a member of this forum :wink:

Just the top 10 ie. first ten of the list of 777 IP addresses?

grep "" /var1/log/squid/access.log| grep "facebook"| head
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It will be better to paste some sample logs to us.

Guess you need find out top 10 IP addresses (not only which access facebook, and the IP address is in first column in log file.

awk '/facebook/ {print $1}' /var1/log/squid/access.log |sort |uniq -c |sort -n |tail -10