Tool suggestion for collection CPU/memory Stats

We have around 1000 server (Red Hat + Suse + Parallels + Solaris-9/10/11). Every month, we generate a report for all servers for CPU and Memory utilization in 'percentage used'. This report is generated from HP Openview and frequency is every file minutes. In HP OpenView, we are picking 20 servers at a time and extract it in excel format. Many time, it will time out and it is hectic process. Can you somebody suggest any alternate solution for this, if anybody is using such technique in their environment ?
Here is example, which will give idea, what I want.

TIME	         pdrdt01-ps	   pdrdt02-ps	pdrdt03-ps	pdrdt01-dr	pdrdt02-dr
11/1/2014 0:55	    2.09	      6.73	      21.34	   18.02	     6.32
11/1/2014 1:00	    5.58	      6.17	      20.58	   13.4	     6.88
11/1/2014 1:05	    2.06	      9.06	      34.44	   12.95	     6.89
11/1/2014 1:10	    2.29	      6.24	      31.78	   14.3	     6.83
11/1/2014 1:15	    3.54	      9.29	      32.23	   15.04	     6.77

Initially we would like to go with some free solution. Because it will very very difficult to get approval for spending money.
Any suggestion/help would be appreciated.