to write the logs of scp

Hi Unix gurus,

I created this script to automate the copying of files daily from one server to another using the scp command.


if [ ! -f $KEY ];then
echo "Private key not found at $KEY" >> $LOGFILE
echo "* Please create it with \"ssh-keygen -t dsa\" *" >> $LOGFILE
echo "Transferring files.." >> $LOGFILE
echo "Copy files successful.." >> $LOGFILE
But I have these questions below:

  1. Whenever I ran this script, it no longer ask for password but it still prompts the "Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)?" question:
    See details below:
    Putting your key on remote server
    Transferring files..
    The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.
    RSA key fingerprint is cd:78:a1:fe:2d:8d:aa:0f:32:be:18:5b:74:0e:3a:c1.
    Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
    Failed to add the host to the list of known hosts (/shared/home/ngtman/.ssh/known_hosts).

Can I also automate it in a way that it always answers yes to the above question w/o me typing anymore?

  1. How can i display the error messages of the scp in the $LOGFILE for cases that scp was not successful for some files?
    i.e. there are space issue with the remote server, connection time out, or permission issues. I just want to see in the log what happened to
    the scp so as it would also be better for the support guys to check as in case anything happens.

I tried both redirecting using >> and using the tee command but both not writing to the logfile, only displaying the status in the prompt.

Hoping to hear from you guys.

Thanks in advance.


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