to the unix forum team ...

:slight_smile: i just want to give my apreciation to all the unix forum team members, the unix members and all the newbies who makes this site so interesting... .
thanx very much everybody appreciate the help so far..
especially from the unix forum team members who have answered many of my question and undoubtedly others' which are some not so easy to understand ot to explain.. thanx for your patience and your commitment to the site members..
yours truelly moxxx68..:smiley: :wink: :rolleyes:

i feel the same way you do. :slight_smile:

this is a great place and i am glad to be a part of it.

I agree!

Trying to help out with peoples problems is both challenging and rewarding, and I find that I learn a great deal here about all aspects of *nix.

A great place to be :smiley:

:smiley: cheers

The Unix Forum team is purt near good.

Perdabo has often impressed me with his ability to slice and dice all things unix in short fashion. But they are all quite good and get the job done.

:smiley: i thought I accomplished something when i taught myself evrything I know just through books and experimentation in just a year.. but when I look at the know how and knoweldge being bounced around on this forum by the moderators and some of the senior memebers I am completely at awe at how much I could really learn if i really put my mind to it.. don't get me wrong i think most of what I read is staggering but what really gets me is how in the he??. did ... get so good.
:slight_smile: :smiley: :rolleyes: