To find the username in /etc/passwd file


I need to a shell script to list out only the username in the /etc/passwd file.


cut -d":" -f1 /etc/passwd

Hi joeyg:

Its works man. Thank you.....

Also, One more doubt, I would like to list all the files and directories in the box with the full permission .

> ls -laR

Sorry, I mean that I need to take a list all the files and directories in the box which holds the 777 permission. I hope that makes sense....

> find . -perm 777 -print

The above will issue the command from your corrent directory. Try that way before using a / in place of the . for your own testing.


Thank you, I got the list of files and directories with the 777 permission. Now, I should have to change all the 777 directories to 755 and files to 644 with the help of shell scripting.

Hi Guys,

Can you please help me on this.