To cut entire column from a file and apend it to another file as another column

file1.txt :
india pakistan bangladesh
japan canada africa
USA srilanka Nepal


I have to cut the first column of file1.txt and apend it with file2.txt as another column like this

Delhi india
Tokyo japan
washington USA

Anyone one please say me the syntax for the above .

A possible way :

awk '{print $1}' file1.txt | paste -d' ' file2.txt -

awk can replaced by cut :

cut -d' ' -f1 file1.txt  | paste -d' ' file2.txt -


in a single command

awk 'BEGIN{ while ( getline < "secondfile" ) { arr[i++]=$0 } }{ print arr[j++], $1 }' firstfile

Its working fine...

Just Use Simple Cmd :
First Cut fhe first field of first file
$ cut -d' ' -f1 <first filename> > tmpfirst
$ cut -d' ' -f2 <second filename> > tmpsecond
$ paste tmpfirst tmpsecond > newfile
(-f1 means first field , -f2 means second field)