To copy a a file to last created directory..Urgent pls

I need to copy a file example hhh.txt to the recently created directory by name flexite@latesttimestamp in the path interface/home/ ...

I couldnt get the name of recently created directory ....

first result of ls -lst ...that is ls -lst |head -2 gives the latest directory but i could not the name just shows the result....

Pls help on this regard....


ls -t|head -1

not if it's specifically the last created directory...

The problem is: directories get modified when a file is created therein.
So you never know which one was the last one created per se.

This problem can be remedied by cleverly naming them with a sortable timestamp.

At any rate:

/bin/ls -ltd dir_names* | grep ^d | head -1 | read latest_dir