Tmux - pane current command - help !

Hello Experts !

i have started using tmux recent past . So far so good .

while exploring the option , i found an option as

I log into terminal where i enabled the tmux , and then i log onto a taxi server and then to my application server. My expectation is when i going aound the paths on my app server , i want the pane window to show that path .

can some one help me ? if any other command you as well would be great.

wanted to let you know -

i have tried modifying .bashrc as well . It is working fine , if i am using putty , but not while on tmux.

I am using tmux on windows machine i.e., mintty ( not on ubuntu , mac x )

#Enable names for panes
set -g pane-border-status top   --> I see this as working with no issue.
#Automatically assign a name
set -g pane-border-format "#P: #{pane_current_command}"  --> This is command is not per my expectation 

Thanks in advance.

@moderator -

I did some research on the internet and turns out that I can`t achieve it simply, need to do many and many modifications.

Can you please close the thread?