TkResolver++ 0.6.1 (Default branch)

TkResolver++ is a suite of software for conducting experiments into psychokinesis (specifically retropsychokinesis.) It uses the output from a random number generator to determine the course of a line as it is drawn down the computer screen. Experiments consist of an operator who attempts to influence the behaviour of the line drawing. The software records in a database the operator's details, the experimental variables, and the observed results. The suite includes programs for conducting visualisation and statistical analysis of the database. License: GNU General Public License v3 Changes:
The integer and unsigned property types were merged into a single long integer type which means a change to the property tables; this should hopefully be the last such change. A bug was fixed in the editor where empty constraints caused a crash. A bug was fixed in libtkquery where no rows were returned. A bug was fixed in the Analyser where bad property-getting caused a crash.
