Three Questions

I just want to know Three questions:

1.what is the name of c++ compiler used in Linux/Unix (like gcc compiler used for c ).And please tell me how can i compile the program of c++.

  1. I have Devloped a program of Database in C Under Linux/Unix Enviornment and now i want to add some graphics in my program
    Then what should i have to do because it is not excepting Graphics.h then what is the subsitute for that.

  2. What is the command used for Clear the Screen like clrcsr() function of General C programs(as we know that gcc not support conio.h).Then what is the appropriate command for that.

  1. g++

  2. I am not sure, perhaps someone else can answer this one.

  3. If your terminal supports ANSI escape codes just use:


For The Solution Asked For Point Number 2.
1) For Developing Graphics in Linux you need to GNOME/KDE/XWINDOWS.
2)For Developing graphics in Unix you need to work with XWINDOWS/XT/MOTIF resources.

g++ is really a script to call gcc with the appropriate arguments for C++.

Use Qt ( ).