Thousand Parsec 0.5.0 (C++ Server branch)

Thousand Parsec is a turn-based space empire building game, as well as a framework for creating a similar group of games, which are often called 4X games (eXplore, eXpand, eXploit, and eXterminate). Some examples of games from which Thousand Parsec draws ideas are Reach for the Stars, Stars!, VGA Planets, Master of Orion, and Galactic Civilizations. Unlike commercial alternatives, it is designed for long games supporting universes as large as your computer can handle. It allows a high degree of player customization, and features a flexible technology system where new technologies may be introduced mid-game. License: GNU General Public License (GPL) Changes:
This release includes last year's Google Summer of Code project, Reach for the Stars Clone ruleset. A large number of other improvements have been made, such as a new Object model, TP04 protocol support, better control over what players can see on the server, and a history that supports MySQL persistence. This release is a significant step towards the goal of a fully featured server.
