The LibMsgque Project 2.6 (Default branch)

The LibMsgque Project is an infrastructure for linking applications together to act like a single application. Work is distributed from one application to another using network or local sockets. The framework handles all aspects of setting up and maintaining the link in addition to starting and stopping the different applications, starting and stopping the communication interface, sending and receiving packages, reading and writing data from or into packages, setting up and maintaining the event handling for asynchronous transfers, and propagating warnings or errors. License: GNU General Public License (GPL) Changes:
A new "atool" tool that supersedes the "aplit", "ajoin", "acut", and "asort" tools was included. The default value for checking the connection between "server" and "client" was changed to 1h. A new "--srvname" option was added to the client startup options to prefix all log and error messages with a client-specific identifier. New options were added to the "client" performance measurement tool: "--transaction-perf", "--parent-perf", and "--child-perf". A crash bug in application cleanup within tclmsgque was fixed along with a bug where events were not cleaned up under high load.
