Terminal window unknown ?

Hi all

I haven't worked much in the terminal window until recently as I'm trying to install the Imagemagick package, it's not going well but thats another matter.
I'm worried now that I might have done something wrong. When I open the terminal window now I get

unknown-e0-f8-47-0d-1b-02:~ username$

username contains my name.

Can anyone tell what this is? Is this something I should fix.



The "unknown-e0-f8-47-0d-1b-02" is the "HOST" name in your prompt. Actually,it looks like a Bonjour discovered bluetooth device. The permanent fix is to change your prompt, removing the host setting- "\h".

xbin, thanks for your reply

The only bluetooth devices are my mouse and my phone, would one of them have caused this.

How exactly would I change your prompt, removing the host setting- "\h"

The problem is Bonjour not your hardware and it was a guess that the device is bluetooth. It might be the address of a wireless router. The hostname is dynamic and changes as you move from network to network.

You should read the bash manual at least the Headings- Invocation and Prompt. It would be a good idea to learn how to use a text editor like vi. If you feel comfortable with the directions below then proceed.

#Type the text not prefaced by # then follow the directions after the #

cat >> .bash_profile	#Press return
if [ -f .bashrc ]; then	#Press return
. .bashrc		#Press return
fi			#Press return
			#Press control and d at the same time
			#You should return to the command prompt

cat >> .bashrc		#Press return
PS1='\W \u\$ '		#Press return
			#Press control and d at the same time
			#You should return to the command prompt

 #Open a new terminal window keeping the current window open. You should
 #have the new prompt. Test the shell by listing some files. If there are no
 #problems then you can quit the Terminal app and reopen it. 

 #If you incur a problem then from the original Terminal window follow these instructions->

mv .bash_profile bash_profile
mv .bashrc bashrc