Tcpdump Help !


Need Help with TcpDump
Trying to sniff associatio-request with tcpdump but when i run this

tcpdump -i eth0 wlan subtype assoc-req

i get this error

can anyone help me with this error ? Thanks alot !!:slight_smile:

Tinker with the expression, see below:

Man Page for pcap-filter (all Section 7) - The UNIX and Linux Forums

   type wlan_type subtype wlan_subtype
      True  if	the  IEEE  802.11  frame  type	matches  the specified
      wlan_type and frame subtype matches the specified wlan_subtype.

      If the specified wlan_type is mgt, then valid wlan_subtypes are:
      assoc-req,  assoc-resp,  reassoc-req,  reassoc-resp,  probe-req,
      probe-resp, beacon, atim, disassoc, auth and deauth.