TCL/TK packing

I have a program started on a 640x480 canvas with button/labels down the left side.
I want to put a circle in the middle but am drawing a blank whether to add it after the left buttons or to wait until I can add more buttons/labels on the right because I can't remember how to get such packed on the right. I use frames to pack on the left.
I am also unsure of packing of the circle I've drawn.
Can someone work with me a little to get me restarted?

A canvas widget can be packed, not the circle drawn onto a canvas. Unless Tk has changed radically (which I doubt).

frame .center
canvas .center.c -background white -width 640 -height 480
frame .left
button -text lone
button .left.two -text ltwo
button .left.three -text lthree
frame .right
button -text rone
button .right.two -text rtwo
button .right.three -text rthree

pack .left.two .left.three
pack .right.two .right.three
pack .center.c
pack .left .center .right -side left

.center.c create oval 0 0 640 480

I will try ur example and get back to U, thanx.

SPOT ON!! Liked your of framing better than mine and 40 min latter I had all 200 lines working. Never before have I had such an insightful response. THANKS again!

No problem

(from the author if ImPress ImPress - Home Page )

My Tcl/Tk is a bit rusty... what a powerful language and toolkit though.

I still find myself using ImPress every now and then.

If you want to try it out quickly:

Thanks for the offer but at the moment I am swimming in projects. Perhaps if the offer is open I can examine it down the road.
Thanx again for the memory bump everything sure fell into place when I saw your respons. FWIW it is the display for a passive radar program which I want to use to map the ionosphere (well try to anyway).