System Crashes at Midnight with Timer Expired 35 1048688 scs_op C8C521B0 Error, Any Idea's

We've been having issues for about a year, although thankfully they are in-frequent and randam. Meaning it happened a couple of times within a 3 month period, then stopped for a couple of months and then started again. It has happened twice now in the last month. At the stroke of midnight, as far as we can tell, the system crashes and we get the error, Timer Expired 35 1048688 SCS_OP C8C521B0. We are running a NCR Unix Server 3.02 We think that the problem is resolved manually by doing a full power shutdown one a month. At least that is a direction we are planing to pursue, but that is just a guess and a manual work around. I don't have access to any support at the moment and just need some idea's.


Is scs_op a local user or app? Google never heard ot it!

I bet the message was intended to be SCSI OP...

Maybe in this vicinity: 20.16.�Controlling the SCSI Command Timer and Device Status

THanks DGPicket. Have you ever heard of this causing a crash (At Midnight every time)

Apreciate the help and the direction. I am reading now.

It says reset host . . . .