syntax error

While executing the below command in Bourne shell .I am getting syntax error .

/usr/bin/make package |& /usr/bin/tee /dun/homes/lrsprod/ReleaseManagement/InHomeSoftware/Logs/bld_ot2

sh: syntax error near unexpected token `&'

Could you pls help me asap.

what you want to do exactly ?

I want to execute the makefile by passing the argument as package .After executing the make command, output along with standard error will be stored in bld_out file

What shell are you using? Not all shells understand the |& pipe. And as far as I know, this one only redirects stderr to the next command, not both stdout and stderr.

I guess, stdout would be redirect to the next command anyways (in addition to stderr, if |& used )
I think |& is introduced in bash4.
If you are using any other version or shell (which seems sh from the error msg) , you could try

/usr/bin/make package 2>&1 | /usr/bin/tee /dun/homes/lrsprod/ReleaseManagement/InHomeSoftware/Logs/bld_ot2

In theory, |& is equivalent to 2>&1

thank you anchal