Switching workspaces thru shell scr.(Solaris)

Using Solaris CDE environment and want to write a shell script (pref. Korn) which can:

  • Upon invokation opens a dtterm new window (no problems, here, i.e. on how to open one)
  • The new dtterm should be moved by the script to another workspace (consider no one changed the default Solaris naming standards, i.e. workspaces are named ONE, TWO, THREE, FOUR)

Initially, I am in workspace - ONE.

Would be really, really :wink: if anyone knows how to do this!??

Someone just told me it's not possible, I hate that statement - since knowing UNIX - EVERYTHING is possible!! :smiley:

Maybe try with dtksh thought I have never tried to do anything like this with it. It could be worth having a look at the documenation.

dtksh - I also don't know and tried the man - terribly complicated. Surely someone knows how to !! ??