suspend/restart a process in shell script


I have a task that Im stuck on. I have an elementary script named 'myscript' that prints "the script is running" once a second. It runs for 27 seconds. I need to write a 2nd script that starts 'myscript' and takes a parameter '$1' for a number. my 2nd script then needs to pause myscript every $1 seconds for $1 seconds until myscript completes. myscript should not be 'aware' or 'listen' for anything.

I tried the wait command but it starts over instead of picking up where it left off. I looked at setting myscript as a background process, but again that doesnt seem like the solution as it wouldn't pause.

Please can someone explain what commands/approach they would use to solve my problem?

My only other thought would be to grep the process from ps as a looping condition, if it exists then put it to sleep (I dont think I can use the sleep command in this way though..?).

Thank you in advance for any help you can offer my noob self.

Best regards,

Dane Ensign

To anyone else who may need to do this, here is what I found works:

to take a non-listening process and pause it use: kill -s SIGSTOP processid,
then to restart it use: kill -s SIGCONT processid.

You will have to figure out how to grab the processid.
