SUSE 9.1 - Problems with Adding new users plz help

Hi every one,

I recently installed Suse 9.1 and added two users during installation with out problems.

I have tried to add another user using the following cmd: 'useradd pite' and 'passwd xxxx' and got a message new user and password added.

But when i tried to create a directory using cmd:'mkdir /home/pite/public_html' , i got an error message "file or directory doesnt exist".

I went to konqueror and the user i created is not listed.

I tried to change users by selecting >>start then >>switch users. The new user is listed; but when i tried to log in using the new user, the following error messages were displayed:

" There was an error setting up inter-process communications for KDE. The message returned by the system was: could not read network connection list.
Please check that the "dcopserver" program is running!

I clicked ok and another error message: " will not save configuration.
configuration file"//.kde/share/config/ksplashrc" not writable.

configuration file"//.kde/share/config/kdeglobals" not writable.

I clicked ok and another error message: "The following installation problem was detected while trying to start KDE:
No write access to $HOME directory (/).

KDE is unable to start.

clicked ok and another error message:

Could not start ksmserver. check your installation.

Please do help, i don't want to mess up my system. I want to point out that i have been using Linux for about a month.



Hi every one,
I just wanted to say that i found the solution to my problem. I just entered:

"chown pite:users /home/pite " with root password.


If you use useradd with the -m option (and optionally -d) - see the manual page, it'll create the home directory, and set the appropriate permissions.

Whilst you're still finding your feet with Linux, you could use a graphical configuration tool such as YaST (for SUSE) for major system changes until you're comfortable with the command line.

Good luck! :slight_smile:


Don't use adduser.
Instead you can use useradd.

root@hostname:/tmp# adduser
Enter a username to add: test
Adding user `test'...
Adding new group `test' (1008).
Adding new user `test' (1008) with group `test'.
Creating home directory `/home/test'.
Copying files from `/etc/skel'
Enter new UNIX password:
Retype new UNIX password:
passwd: password updated successfully
Changing the user information for test
Enter the new value, or press ENTER for the default
Full Name []: test
Room Number []:
Work Phone []:
Home Phone []:
Other []:
Is the information correct? [y/N] y