Suppressing the automatic output of "script"

Is there a way to suppress the output that script command displays - "Script command started..."

If you want the output to be suppressed...

command >> /dev/null

If you want the stderr to be suppressed...

command 2>>/dev/null

I tried the first one, and now, nothing is being written to screen. How do I restore it? Please help.

Oops, you cannot, because it redirected to /dev/null.

From wiki:

/dev/null or the null device is a special file that discards all data written to it

If you want that to see later, then you have to redirect to a file as

ls >> /tmp/output-file

Then view it using, any commands which you will use for viewing a file.

Hello ,
thats the stdout( standard output ) that is being written on the screen . If you supress it there would not be any output provided by the script. so it cant be suppressed.
If however you want to supress it, then edit the shell script to modify what you want to see on the console and what you dont.
