Sun Studio 10 + Boost 1.36

Is it possible to build Boost 1.35 using Sun Studio 10?
I can build Boost 1.35 using Sun Studio 11 successful. However, i'm unable to build it using Sun Studio 10 using the exact method.

I really apprecaite if any expert can help on this.


Anything is possible. Try posting some error messages and we'll go from there.

here is the first few error messages that i encountered (there are tonz more). I like to emphasize that i was able to complie the same boost library using sun studio 11 with no problem with the same boost configuration and makefile

"./boost/type_traits/is_array.hpp", line 40: Error: Multiple declaration for boost::is_array.
"./boost/type_traits/is_array.hpp", line 41: Error: Multiple declaration for boost::is_array.
"./boost/type_traits/is_array.hpp", line 42: Error: Multiple declaration for boost::is_array.
"./boost/type_traits/is_array.hpp", line 43: Error: Multiple declaration for boost::is_array.

here are the lines:
BOOST_TT_AUX_BOOL_TRAIT_PARTIAL_SPEC1_1(typename T,is_array,T[],true)
BOOST_TT_AUX_BOOL_TRAIT_PARTIAL_SPEC1_1(typename T,is_array,T const[],true)
BOOST_TT_AUX_BOOL_TRAIT_PARTIAL_SPEC1_1(typename T,is_array,T volatile[],true)
BOOST_TT_AUX_BOOL_TRAIT_PARTIAL_SPEC1_1(typename T,is_array,T const volatile[],true)

here is how i configure it:
./configure --prefix=<boostpath> --with-toolset=sun --with-libraries=thread,filesystem,date_time,system link=static | tee ../configure.log

then i modified the user-config.jam to specify the complier and options:
sun : : <sunCC path> : <compileflags>-library=stlport4 -features=tmplife -features=tmplrefstatic ;

make | tee ../make.log