SUN is hung/dead

What do you do if the system will not respond to commands? I'm using SUN Fire v210. We had a power hit, so i think it caused a problem. The monitor does not come up anymore. So i plugged in on a laptop via serial port, rebooted. The system seems to start to boot, but comes up to message "SC Request to Send Break to Host" and stops.
Anything I enter results in a prompt {0}ok and afterwords, anything i type at that prompt makes no effect. Can't even do a graceful reboot.

Hello ireeneek,

this link will leed you to the SC message.

Type "#." to enter the ALOM manager


The problem is that no matter waht i type at the {0}ok prompt, I return to the prompt. The system does not do anything. it ignores all my inputs. I can't get past the point of {0}ok

OPB is firmware. If OBP is ignoring valid OBP commands, you must have a hardware problem. I would suspect communication bewteen the laptop and the system. Check the parameters in the laptop. 9600 baud? 8 data bits? 1 stop bit?

Doesn't the appearance of the ok prompt on the laptop imply communication?

If this happens to be the case then have you tried :
1) booting from cdrom
2) powering off and on (switching the key)

It does not guarantee that the laptop is generating characters that the system can understand.

checked the term settings on the laptop.
all ckecks. 9600, 8, 1 bit. just not sure what Flow control.. hardware, none or x-on/x-off

still not getting past {0} ok.
tried rebooting again, same result.


What commands are you trying? Did you try that
command the Mugin suggested?

On the front should have a green light but no that the case? (Yellow means a hardware problem.)

The term settings are now all correct.

I AM getting something now, I think I was typing the # without the " . " the dot. I can finally get to
SUN Advanced Lights Out Manager.

But it asks for user/passwd. Root does not work!!!!!
Does anyone know of a back-door user/passwd for ALOM?

As for the LED on the front, not even on!! I checked the book and it indicates that means Solaris isn't starting. That might explain why I am not getting video. I guess the drivers don't get a chance to start. Wating on cal from Sun, but any input greatly helpful!

This link will explain what ALOM is.

By the way, the command is #. (not # or #,)
You have to login as admin, and if this is the first time it is used i believe you can just enter the passwd , and then you will be asked to set the passwd. If it has already been set, ask the administrator.

it looks like we're hosed here. the admin/passwd login ginto ALOM isn't working. So i 'll just reinstall the OS.
To boot off the CDROM, it's

boot /CDROM ?

User: admin
Passwd: (blank)

If you want to boot from cdrom type at the ok prompt: boot cdrom