Sun Cluster 3.2 Issue

Hello everyone,

I have two Solaris 10 servers that are on cluster. The cluster is a Sun Cluster 3.2

I have a script cronned that stop/start a ressource in a resource group everyday.

Today I have checked the status of the ressources and I found that my ressource group have a "Error--stop failed" status. A ressource in this ressource group have a "Stop failed" status.

Here is a part of the result of "scstat -g" command:

Group Name       Node Name              State              Suspended
 Group: xxxx           server1                  Error--stop       failed No
  Group: xxxxx        server2                  Offline                  No

Resource Name  Node Name                State          Status Message

 Resource: xxxxx       server1                  Online             Online
  Resource: xxxx        server2                  Offline             Offline

  Resource: xxxxx        server1                 Stop failed       Faulted
  Resource: xxxxxx       server2                 Offline             Offline

The logs are located at "/var/cluster/logs" and are a binary files, so I don't have any information about what happened.

Can anyone explain me what happened ? Is that critical ? What's the solution?

Thak you very much.

Best Regards,

you can check the strings on the cluster logs with strings /dir/binary_file and see if there is anything there that would give you a hint on what happened ...

otherwise, see man clresource to see how you can clear the error ...