sudoers file with groups in LDAP

Hello gurus,

I've been working on a sudoers file to work with groups in LDAP. I've created the groups in LDAP and added the users to there respective groups. I've also setup my sudoers file to have the groups match what is in LDAP. And I've added ldap to nsswitch.conf in the group line. The problem is that when a user tries to sudo to a user within their group(s) it errors out saying the user is not in the sudoers file. Also, when I do 'id -a username' it will show the uid, the gid and the group. Has anyone done this before, and if so, what am I missing?



group: files nis ldap

sample of my sudoers file
# User alias specification #

User_Alias SYSADMIN=%sysadmin
User_Alias DBADMIN=%dba

#Cmnd alias specification#

#GID 14 SYSADMIN is for System Administrators who require ROOT access
Cmnd_Alias ROOTSHELLS =\
/bin/su -, \
/bin/sh, \
/bin/csh, \
/bin/bash, \
/usr/bin/bash, \

#GID 101 DBADMIN is used primarily for the DBA group
Cmnd_Alias DB_ADMIN=\
/bin/su - , \
/bin/sh , \
/bin/csh , \
/bin/su - oracle, \
/bin/kill ?, \
/bin/rm -i ?

# User privilege specification #

root ALL=(ALL) ALL

We do this all the time but we don't use NIS, just LDAP. I have noticed some language at Sun's site that the two don't mix. Only one I can find right now: passwd(1) - change login password and password attributes (man pages section 1: User Commands) - Sun Microsystems

our passwd line looks like so:

passwd: files nis compat

the weird part about this, is that i was testing this on our dr servers and it worked fine. i also had a user test this from a different group and it worked fine as well. but when i attempt to do this on a prod server, i get the error, user abc is not in sudoers....

and our dr servers are setup exactly the same as our prod servers.

Same os version and patch levels?

yep. all the same

Then I'm stumped. But I bet it will work if you drop NIS.

yeah...i think i got it figured out. i'm going to play around with it some more and i'll post my results after i test it IF it's successful. but thanks for your help perderabo!