Substrings and the likes in AIX 4.2 ?

In AIX 4.2, are there any shell commands to do substrings and the text like manipulation commands ?

I want to take an error log where errors are multi-ligned and convert them into single lines to ease tracking/monitoring. I may need to shorten them out too.

If I can manage to put them into an Oracle table, it would even be great (other thread).

Post an example of the log file and the desired output.


As far as i remember (it has been a long time since) AIX 4.2 had only a ksh88 and no ksh93. So all the classic ${var##.....} and ${var%%....} expansions will work and the substring funcion ${var:x:y} won't because it was only introduced with ksh93.

I hope this helps.
