substitution help

How do i substitute ' with space in a file using sed or awk
i am getting the following two scenarios
1) xyz'd with xyz d
if i use
sed 's/xyz\\\'d/xy z/g'
it is taking ' after \ as closing expr for substitution

2) xyz';d with xyz d

please advice


tr "'" " " < yourfile

Thanks but it is replacing all the ' appearing in the file
i want to replace only for cases below

1) xyz'd with xyz d
2) xyz';d with xyz d

i tried

tr "xyz\'d" "xyz d" < file

still it is replacing all the occurence of '

sed "s/xyz'd/xyz d/g"
sed "s/xyz\('\|';\)d/xyz d/g"

You can use like has done or give two rule:

sed -e "s/xyz'd/xyz d/g"  -e "s/xyz';d/xyz d/g"

Not so "guru" rule, but very readable.

Good point :wink:

bingo!!, worked great

and how to replace

xyz\'d with xyz d
xyz\;d with xyz d

u can just make a little modification to the previous post and escape the "\" with "\".