Submit A Basic System Administration Command

Come and create a new thread to post a basic system administration command to share with all .. :slight_smile:

#df -h
-- to list down mounted filesystem with the capacity

#uname -a
-- to provide brief system information

#tar -cvf /[destination].tar /[source]/*
-- will tar the selection folders recursively with the (*) to the destination location

#tar -xvf XXXXX.tar
-- will extract the tar'red file

For Linux, AIX, *BSD, Tru64, HPUX

shutdown -h now

For Solaris

shutdown -y -i 5 -g 1


shutdown -y -i0 -g1 -p

Personally I prefer:



kill -8 1

(Used to be 9 until it was pointed out to me that modern solaris doesn't accept that anymore) :smiley:

cd /source;find . -print |cpio -pudvm /destination

this will copy all files and directories from /source to /destination

cool trick is that it will keep correct ownership/attributes and modification time for all files.

#prstat -U oracle
-- This command will list down all process handled by "oracle" user . something like #ps -ef | grep oracle

getting CPU utilization in order
ps -eo ppid,pcpu,args | sort +1n

man is the most useful command.