String manipulation for PID

Hi, I'm having trouble figuring out something for a script I'm writing. Where I work, we have 3 process that run a device, and they occasionally need to be killed. Everyone is doing this manually, looking up the PIDs one at a time and then typing the kill statements and PIDs manually. I'd like to take away the potential for user error there, and I'm setting up a script to do that. So what I've got is basically :

ps -awx | fgrep "proc_one

and this gives me a list of 4 processes -- the 3 I want to kill and the fgrep process also (shows up something like fgrep?proc_one?proc_two?proc_three?). what I need to do is pull the PIDs from the 3 that I want to kill but not the fgrep one. I'm not sure what length the PIDs are going to be, and I'm not any good with awk or sed anyway. can anyone help me out with this one?


Look for pgrep and pkill manual