Stream Content Security with user:pass

I have a linux based streaming server and I do not want to make it public. I am looking for a solution to make my streaming content secured with username & password for each individual.

If i had been dealing with a webpage application, it would have been easy for me: To create .htpasswd and .htaccess files for each html folder would have been solving the problem but in my case this is not webpage based application.

What I am in need of is to create a database for each visitor, when they enter the stream link in below format , they will be able to play it at their end:


Some applications are using cgi-bin but I do not know how to install&set it.
I would appreciate if anybody would guide me or give a clue about how it can be done.

Thanks in advance

Your CGI should be secure/https at least while handling id and password, but can set a cookie with encrypted encoded (xml?) data giving access to the streaming content for just them and just N seconds. For instance, "<id>:<ip>:<unix_time>" run through encryption and base 64 encoding to be cookie-embeddable.

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Hello DGPickett,
At the moment I am trying to install nginx-rtmp
If I can not set it correctly, I will read CGI documents.


OK, like here:\#q=nginx-rtmp\+security

Yes, you can also create token that will be active for just N seconds as well as you are doing with cgi.
I am able to play mp4 files with nginx-rtmp but unable to embed live stream into html. I will keep digging in google..


Well, it is open source, so you can enhance it.