Strange one (likely something simple...)

Right folks... this is probably something simple that I'm missing as it's early, but can anyone tell me what's going on here:

The Script:

cougar:/usr/hxscripts>vi ~/test.ksh
"/usr/home/branch/users/tech/test.ksh" [New file]

LOGDIR=/usr/hxscripts/LOGS/logmeoff/    # Logging directory, must be world-writable
RETDAYS=31               # Number of days to retain old logfiles

ME=`logname`            # Username
SCRIPT="logmeoff"       # Script name


Log () {
set -x

##Construct the log file path and name##
LOGFILE=${LOGDIR}/${1}.`date +%a%d%b%y`.logmeoff.log

##Check whether today's logfile exists and create if not##
[ -w $LOGFILE ] ||  ( touch $LOGFILE; chmod 666 $LOGFILE )

##Delete logmeoff log files older than $RETDAYS old##
find $LOGDIR -type f -name '*.logmeoff.log' -mtime +$RETDAYS -exec rm {} \;

##Write the log entry##
echo "`date +%T`|`logname`|`who am i`" >> $LOGFILE


Log test

And the output:

cougar:/usr/hxscripts>ksh ~/test.ksh
+ + date +%a%d%b%y
+ [ -w /usr/hxscripts/LOGS/test.Tue30Oct07.logmeoff.log ]
+ touch /usr/hxscripts/LOGS/test.Tue30Oct07.logmeoff.log
+ chmod 666 /usr/hxscripts/LOGS/test.Tue30Oct07.logmeoff.log
+ find /usr/hxscripts/LOGS -type f -name *.logmeoff.log -mtime +31 -exec rm {} ;
+ date +%T
+ logname
+ who am i
+ echo 09:06:26|tech|tech        pts/1374    30 Oct 08:53     (
+ 1>> /usr/hxscripts/LOGS/test.Tue30Oct07.logmeoff.log
cougar:/usr/hxscripts>ls -ld /usr/hxscripts/LOGS/logmeoff/
drwxrwxrwx   2 tech     users           512 17 Oct 13:25 /usr/hxscripts/LOGS/logmeoff/

As you can see, even though I'm specifying that the LOGDIR is the existing and world-changable directory /usr/hxscripts/LOGS/logmeoff/, everything goes to /usr/hxscripts/LOGS. Why is this?!

Obviously this isn't causing me massive headaches, but I'd like to know what's going on!

Many thanks,



Is the trailing slash needed as you add another when you concatenate?

No, I guess it isn't needed.

I just prefer to put it in when using directory paths in variables which I know are going to be used in such a way. That way you either end up with 'DIRECTORY/file', or 'DIRECTORY//file'. Rather than risking 'DIRECTORYfile'.

I didn't think that either mattered.

I suppose at this point I should mention I'm using ksh on AIX

Try changing the code a little bit:

#! /bin/ksh

LOGDIR="/home/Administrator/LOGS/logmeoff"    # Logging directory, must be world-writable
RETDAYS="31"               # Number of days to retain old logfiles

ME="$(logname)"            # Username
SCRIPT="logmeoff"       # Script name


Log () {
set -x

##Construct the log file path and name##
LOGFILE="$LOGDIR"/"$1"."$(date +%a%d%b%y)".logmeoff.log

##Check whether today's logfile exists and create if not##
[ -w "$LOGFILE" ] ||  { touch "$LOGFILE"; chmod 666 "$LOGFILE"; }

##Delete logmeoff log files older than $RETDAYS old##
find "$LOGDIR" -type f -name '*.logmeoff.log' -mtime +"$RETDAYS" -exec rm {} \;

##Write the log entry##
printf "%s\n" "$(date +%T)|$ME|$(who am i)" >> "$LOGFILE"


Log test


I've been a little stupid on this one.

Thanks for your input Porter and Radoulov. Radoulov - I see what you're getting at there with all the quoting variables. Whilst it might be a good habit I don't think it would have made much difference in this instance.

There was a part of the script that I had cut out - it's a standard thing we chuck in our scripts which assigns a load of useful variables - including LOGDIR. It was overwriting it with /usr/hxscripts/LOGS - it just didn't occur to me that this might happen. Oops.

Sorry to waste your time, folks!

Thanks again.


Yes, it's just a good habit ...