Storing commands in $variables.

Hi I'm trying to store commands in variables... like so..

# lastcmd=" $t1 | $t2 | $t3 | $t4 | sort | uniq"

t1="sed -e 's/http:/<li><a href=\"http:/'"
t2="sed -e 's/http:./&\">&<\/a>Web Link<br>/'"
t3="sed -e 's/.
[0-9]. mailto:/<li><a href=\"mailto:/'"
t4="sed -e 's/mailto:.*/&\">&<\/a>Email Link<br>/'"

The code will work when not in the variables but its messy is there any way of storing these things like above ?

echo $t1
Produces the desired string I'm wanting to run... Any suggestions ?

sed: -e expression #1, char 1: unknown command: `''
is the error I get when I try to run the script....

The code that i'm running to test this part is

t1="sed -e 's/http:/<li><a href=\"http:/'"
t2="sed -e 's/http:./&\">&<\/a>Web Link<br>/'"
t3="sed -e 's/.
[0-9]. mailto:/<li><a href=\"mailto:/'"
t4="sed -e 's/mailto:.*/&\">&<\/a>Email Link<br>/'"

lynx -dump "$1" | \
sed -e '1,/^References$/d' \
-e 's/.*[0-9]. //' | \

Thanks. Paul.

you need to try it something like this,

value=`echo abcd | sed 's/..//g'`
echo $value


eval $t1


Thanks the eval worked... but it doesn't full work with the varible... tried with echo didn't seem to work. Just outputed it to the screen.

t1="sed -e 's/http:/<li><a href=\"http:/'"
t2="sed -e 's/http:./&\">&<\/a>Web Link<br>/'"
t3="sed -e 's/.
[0-9]. mailto:/<li><a href=\"mailto:/'"
t4="sed -e 's/mailto:.*/&\">&<\/a>Email Link<br>/'"
#lastcmd="eval $t1| eval $t2| eval $t3| eval $t4 | sort |uniq"

lynx -dump "$1" | \
sed -e '1,/^References$/d' \
-e 's/.*[0-9]. //' | \
eval $t1| eval $t2| eval $t3| eval $t4 | sort |uniq

That will work however I would like to replace the
"eval $t1| eval $t2| eval $t3| eval $t4 | sort |uniq" with $last command..

THe #ed line above will not work when called like this...
lynx -dump "$1" | \
sed -e '1,/^References$/d' \
-e 's/.*[0-9]. //' | \
eval $lastcmd

or using $lastcmd with out the eval....

Any suggestions of how to put those all inside lastcmd ?


lastcmd="sed -e 's/http:/<li><a href=\"http:/'| sed -e 's/http:./&\">&<\/a>Web Link<br>/'| sed -e 's/.[0-9]. mailto:/<li><a href=\"mailto:/'| sed -e 's/mailto:.*/&\">&<\/a>Email Link<br>/' | sort | uniq"

This will do the job without using the t1/2 variables only i can't put it on new lines etc and makes for hard to read code :S

Try to quote the variable like this:

eval "$t1"

or for your last command:

eval "$lastcmd"


Thank you that worked great..

eval "$lastcmd"

I am facing a similar problem in Perl.

my $command = "$scp $repository/$nameoffile user@$server:/dir/$name";

This line is not executing and I don't know how to capture this error from the shell in perl.

Can anyone help me with this? It would be much appreciated.