store the output of "find" command in a variable?

I intend to find the path/full location of a file(filename given by user thru "read filenme") using "find" or any other command and then store it's output in a variable for some other processing.

But struggling to put all things together (i.e finding the fully qualified location of that file and then storing the result in a variable).

Thnx in anticipation of help

Something like this?


echo "Enter the filename to seek:"
read INPUT
VAR=`find / -type f -name "${INPUT}" -print`
# now do something with it maybe

exit 0
find / -type f -name "${INPUT}" -print

above command takes a long time to search and prints every thing (can not find .... results also )
here i need to find the only one successfull result

Start to use CODE-tags please.

/ is an example - maybe you want to limit your search by starting at another entry directory. I only get the filenames back I have submitted via read. Not sure what you put in. Limit the find.
You can also try it with the "locate" command to be faster.

thnx man