Ssmtp -t < /path/to/the/message.txt (How to format message.txt for html email)

ssmtp has been running well under Kubuntu 12.04.1 for plain text messages. I would like to send html messages with ssmtp -t < /path/to/the/message.txt, but I cannot seem to get the message.txt file properly formatted. I have tried various charsets,
Content-Transfer-Encoding, rearranging the order, including \r\n, etc. The message comes through with only the "To:" being acknowledged. The remainder of the file text appears in the body as plain text.

Here is an example:

To: Admin<>
From: Some Network App<>
Subject: Some App Notice
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/html; charset="utf-8"
<h2>Some app blah blah!</h2>

What am I doing wrong?