Ssh = ssh expect and keep everything not change include parameter postion

I have write a script which contains

ssh -p 12345 dcplatform@
ssh -p 5555 "$CMD"
ssh root@$GUEST_IP "$CMD"

before I use public key, it works well, now I want to change to "expect", BUT I don't want to change above code and "parameter position"

I can post a expect template can some one help me to modify it

#cat sshx

set timeout  60
set host [lindex $argv 0]
set name root
set password root

spawn  ssh $host -l $name
expect {
   "(yes/no)?" {
       send "yes\n"
       expect "assword:"
       send "$password\n"
       "assword:" {
       send "$password\n"
send "uname -a\n"
#send "exit\r"
expect eof

sshx -p 12345 dcplatform@
sshx -p 5555 "$CMD"
sshx root@$GUEST_IP "$CMD"

To goal is
Above cmd will not need to input password, I can't use public keys now, becasue I remote filesystem is readonly


Why degrade security with expect?