SSH shell script to access FTP over explicit TLS/SSL


I use the following SSH script to upload *.jpg files via FTP:

set timeout -1
spawn ftp -v -i [ftp server]
expect "[some word on the last line of server response]"
send "[login]\r"
expect "Password:"
send "[password]\r"
expect "ftp>"
send "mput *.jpg\r"
expect "ftp>"
send "quit\r"

[...] replaced with actual ftp server/account data.

Now I want to modify this script to do the same for FTP over explicit TLS/SSL :confused:

Any ideas?

You will need a ftp-client that is able to connect via FTPS. The man-page of your ftp-client should tell you if its possible.
A client that can talk TLS/SSL is lftp.

Sorry if I wasn't clear:

I use the SSH script to transfer jpg files from a remote hosting server to ftp servers. I access the hosting server via SSH client and run the script to initiate the ftp file transfer. Works well. However, now I need to do the same with a FTP server over explicit TLS/SSL.

When I just replace

spawn ftp ...


spawn lftp ...

it derails the script. I don't know why and how to modify the script accordingly...

lftp is an external program you'll have to install on the hosting server if you wish to use it. There are other clients out there that speak ftps, but I found lftp to be the easiest to use.
It is scriptable, so no need to use expect. If you switch to lftp your script could look like this:

/path/to/lftp -u [login],[password] ftp://[ftp server] <<EOF
# the next 2 lines put you in ftpes mode
set ftp:ssl-force true
set ftp:ssl-protect-data true
mput *.jpg

lftp is not a drop-in replacement for ftp, but may serve your purposes anyway.

Thank you cero & corona,

lftp is a big step forward. Found my host has it installed by default, anyway. Very nice.

I found that the ssl certificate the ftp server I want to connect to is outdated. So I had to add the line

set ssl:verify-certificate no

to the script. It logs in the ftp server no problems and attempts to transfer file but doesn't succeed. Here's what I get with debug option:

---> PASV
<--- 227 Entering Passive Mode ([...ip...]).
---- Connecting data socket to ([...ip...]) port 49556
**** Socket error (Connection timed out) - reconnecting
---- Closing data socket
---- Closing control socket

Any idea what I must do to navigate around this error?