sort major.minor.release_build_x

would like to order this input based on major.minor.release AND build number

Label abc_def_0.0.3_build_999 2008/08/01 'Created by me.'
Label abc_def_0.0.9_build_1000 2008/08/01 'Created by me.'
Label abc_def_9.0.9_build_10001 2008/08/01 'Created by me.'
Label abc_def_10.9.100_build_2 2008/08/01 'Created by me.'
Label abc_def_10.9.101_build_3 2008/08/01 'Created by me.'

Similar to a previous post, the idea was to pick out the numbers from say 0.0.3_build_999 and insert into the start of the file so that the first 4 columns can be used for the -k flag for sort.

Would appreciate help, at least a hint please!
Also is there anything which can do something like this

match /Label (.*?)_(.*?).(.*?).(.*?)_build_(.*?)/

i thought i could do awk $1, $2 etc but it only works only delimeters not atom pattern matching 'tokens'.

ideally i'd like awk '/regex with lots of (.*?)/ { print $1, $2.... }' where $1 is the first match and $2 is second etc etc. but no field delimeter is specified because it doesn't make sense.


sort -t _ -k3n -k5n

i was thinking far too deep. Many thanks!

BUT the -r flag won't reverse the output not even a separate "| sort -r"

sort -t _ -k3rn -k5rn